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What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye disease that damages the optic nerve causing permanent damage and loss of vision. The damage occurs when the eye is unable to effectively manage the pressure inside the eye.

Glaucoma affects more than 3 million Americans and is the second leading cause of blindness in this country. It is the leading cause of preventable blindness. It has no noticeable symptoms and once vision is lost due to glaucoma, it cannot be restored.

There is no known cure for glaucoma, though it can be managed if detected early. Therefore, it’s important to have routine eye exams, especially if you are high risk for this serious disease.

Groups at high risk for glaucoma are:

  • People over 60
  • Family members of those already diagnosed with glaucoma
  • Those with diabetes
  • People who are severely nearsighted
  • African-Americans
Chart Illustrating abnormal pressure inside an eye, with damage to the optic nerve

Treatment Options

Glaucoma treatment starts with an annual eye exam. Eye exams are important for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment plans.

If you are diagnosed with glaucoma, common treatment options could include:

  • Prescription eye drops
  • SLT laser
  • Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation (ECP)
  • Implantable stents

All our doctors are qualified to diagnose and treat glaucoma at any of our locations.

Want to Know More?

McFarland Eye Care is here to help you heal and restore your vision. Need to schedule an eye exam? Choose from any of our locations.

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